Getting Started

Installation & Setup πŸ”°

Install the Python client

pip install iudex

Create a write-only API key πŸ”‘

Click settings in the top left corner of the IUDEX dashboard and create a write-only API key.

Create a write-only API key

Add IUDEX into your app πŸš€

Add the following code to the very top of your entrypoint file (usually,, etc.).

from iudex import instrument
    service_name="YOUR_SERVICE_NAME", # Highly encouraged
    iudex_api_key="WRITE_ONLY_IUDEX_KEY", # Only ever commit your WRITE ONLY key
    github_url="GITHUB_URL_TO_YOUR_REPO", # Optional, this sets up code linking
    env="prod", # Optional, dev, local, etc
# ^ Must run above all imports

Set up Slack alerts πŸ“£

Click the Slack logo in the top right of the dashboard and follow the prompts.

Slack integration button

Note: you must have admin permissions to add apps to your workspace.

Create a log πŸͺ΅

Add code to emit a log in your app.

# import logging
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Hello IUDEX!", extra={"iudex.slack_channel_id": "YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID"})

Then run your app to emit the log.

Verify 🧐

You should see the log in Slack and in your IUDEX dashboard log view.

Slack message

Log in IUDEX

Go in-depth πŸ‘‰

Check out more in-depth guides on how to get the most out of IUDEX for your stack.