
AWS Lambda

Monitoring for lambdas is usually difficult to set up.

With only a few lines of code, Iudex makes setting up monitoring for your lambdas super simple.

Logs geo logs


If you are using Python, find your handler file and add the following code snippet before all other imports in the file:

from iudex import instrument, trace
    service_name="YOUR_SERVICE_NAME", # highly encouraged
    env="prod", # dev, prod, etc

Then, find your handler function and use the trace decorator like this:

def handler(event, context):

And you’re done! Iudex automatically looks for the name of the lambda function via AWS’s environment variables and starts monitoring it.

Traces geo trace

Performance monitoring geo service


If you are using JavaScript or TypeScript, find your handler file and add the following code snippet before all other imports in the file:

import { instrument, iudexAwsLambda } from 'iudex';
const { withTracing } = iudexAwsLambda;
  serviceName: <your_service_name>, // highly encouraged
  env: <your_environment>, // dev, prod, etc
  publicWriteOnlyIudexApiKey: <your_PUBLIC_WRITE_ONLY_key_goes_here>,

Then, find your handler function and wrap it using withTracing like this:

export const handler = withTracing(
  // Your handler function goes here

And you’re done!

API Gateway

If you use AWS API Gateway along with lambdas, replace iudexAwsLambda with iudexAwsApiGateway and wrap your lambda functions the same way using withTracing.

import { instrument, iudexAwsApiGateway } from 'iudex';
const { withTracing } = iudexAwsApiGateway;
  serviceName: <your_service_name>, // highly encouraged
  env: <your_environment>, // dev, prod, etc
  publicWriteOnlyIudexApiKey: <your_PUBLIC_WRITE_ONLY_key_goes_here>,
export const handler = withTracing(
  // Your api gateway handler function goes here

And now you can monitor requests with HTTP status codes and request/response information!